Monday, November 28, 2011

What you do, will it count in the end?

Hey you guys! I wanted to share something that was on my heart for all of us! Hope all yalls Thanksgiving break was great! As the new quarter begins, we can all have different attitudes going in. Maybe some of us rather sleep, some might be stressed or worried already about achieving that certain grade. We all have motives starting this winter quarter. Whether they are positive or negative. We might think were going to use people to get by, cheat or try are hardest. We all live busy lives and sometimes the first thing to go is God and our intimate relationship with him. No matter what grade you make or how many times your on the Presidents list, all these things will not matter one day. Although, these are great achievements. I came upon this verse today that I wanted to share with you all. It is 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 14 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. 15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through all will die one day and stand before Our Lord and Savior. Depending on what we did on earth with a sincere heart will depend on if it will last through the fire. God knows our ultimate desires and motives and nothing will be hidden on that day. If on earth we were too worried about school and appearance and didnt have a sincere heart than we will have nothing to give God in glorifying him. All we will receive is eternal life, barely! It says like escaping through the flames. How awful would it be, if we thought we had done a lot for the kingdom of God, but our heart wasnt right in doing so. God knows all. Lets check our motives! I had to! Sometimes I get caught up in appearance. List the main ways you expend your energy during a typical week. For example mine was Facebook, daily journal, bible reading, farting around, shopping, workingout, school work, church, hanging out with friends, and so on. Now go back and circle your activities that will stand the test of the fire. Cross out the activities you think will burn up. Well lets just say alot of mine would of been burned. I get so caught up in things that wont last and my focus isnt fully on God all the time. I have found that I waste alot of time and theres not enough hours in the day so I needed something to help me manage my time better. God revealed these verses with me today. My prayer is that this will help all of us as much as it did for me. It helps us to remember that this life on earth is short and the world is filled with fleeting things that distract us from Gods vision. I hope that we can all regain our focus this quarter and that we all have one motive. That motive when working should be Colo 3:23 Whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for human masters. I am giving up more time on Facebook, and bad spending habits. What will you give up for God, weed out of your life so that the things you do for God will endure the fire? I love yall, and I hope this will help yall out this beginning of the quarter!! =]

Will yours last in the fire? Will it be like gold? or like hay that wont last eternally. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

She ate of the apple....What will you choose?

We just had Halloween where everyone dresses up and its all for the fun and candy right? Well, a lot of girls dress up as a princess. What little girl doesnt want to be a princess right? and the little boys are heros, someone or some character they look up to, and in their simple mind thats what they kinda want to be like when they grow up. We are taught at such a young age what our lives should look like and how the big screen shows it should go. In snow white their is a queen that is evil, and jealous of snow white and wants to kill her. Snow white goes into the woods and begins to live with the dwarfs. The witched queen finds where she is living and appears at her front door as someone else and convinces her to eat of this apple, that is so beautiful. The witched queen eats of it herself, but doesnt eat of the part of the apple that is poisonous. So than, Snow white takes a bite a falls into a deep sleep.

 Freeze, take a moment to realize just what happen. Isn't this what happens in our lives? Isn't the devil just waiting at your door to devour you, but you cant even open the door, you have to know that hes only going to lead you into death. In a way, seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death. dont believe his lies! He is the Father of Lies!!!! What is the 1st question ever asked in Gods word? Is it: Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden? Even though snow white probably knew that this person at her door, was not a honest person, she became convinced and lost site of all she had and believed the lie of the devil, which lead to death. So in Genesis 3:4, the serpent goes on to tell the woman, You will not certainly die. Again trying to convince her that it was okay to eat of the tree in the middle of the garden, and that she wouldnt really truly die. What this looks like in our life today is that the devil will come in our lives in descise and will cheapen everything that has  influent value. What he does is take that what is cheap and sells it as extreme pleasure, beautiful,fun , just what you need, time of your life. But in reality he switches price tags and he convinces us that the cheap way is a better deal, a better way to live. 

He says dont pursue discipline, he will whisper in your ear, your being too uptight, loosen up, have fun and pursue freedom. Have you ever thought why there are rules? Is it because God is a ruler maker? Hes ready to correct you and make you suffer your consequences? No! We have rules, because God is a loving God, and a Father to all his children and he wants you to live and not die. He wants you to understand that he doesn't just say, no sex before marriage because hes trying to take away your fun, but he says this because he loves you more than you will ever know and he know the best for you, and he doesnt want you to have have to go through just a taste of the pain his son did on the cross. He designed everything so perfectly and when we dont follow his way, it always leads to heart ache. So im here to tell you dont get sucked into Satan's lies. Dont indulge in what the world tells you where life is at. Take a look at our world. It is filled with joy or sadness, broken homes, and lonely people? Our world is broken, the U.S. is in debt, the divorce rate is high, and many people are looking for life an cant seem to find it. The reason for this: there listening to the world, and believing satan first question in the bible. We as a country have lost sight in what our forefathers started this country as, and they started on solid rock. Which is a rock that is Jesus Christ Our Savior of this world. That is why our money says," In God We Trust."

 Do we live that out? Is that just a saying that we have forgotten what the true meaning is. I wonder what God thinks when he looks down on this broken world? He is the ultimate example of a patient Father, because hes still waiting , waiting to see if His Children are going to make a difference? Are we asleep? Have we taken a bite of what satan offers, and it has lead to brokenness? God is waiting for us to be reconciled to Him. Its not to late. For so many years I was dead asleep. Literally I found out I had narcolepsy, but in reality, it was a walking reality. I was asleep and I had lost sight of God, who he was and what he mad me for. I believed the lies satan told me and I ate that apple and it only tasted good for so long but than it just lead me to be hungry again. I fell into lust and wanting someone to love me. What I didnt realize is I already had Someone Perfect that loved me. I was trying to find life in all the places God can not provide life. How amazing it is to know that I dont have to do anything, to earn his love, he already does. I am satisfied and if you not that I can tell you theres a way to become satisfied. That is through Jesus Christ, that will fill you with joy and give you a peace that no one else can offer. 
So what are we going to do about ourselves and this broken world?If you are a Christian , What are you going to do to further his kingdom? As kids at P.E. time in elementary we played freeze tag or trees. You would run and the person would tag you, you had to freeze and become frozen. If a friend went under your legs, than you would become unfrozen and alive again, full of energy and purpose to get to the other  side of the gym without being tagged. In this world people are literally dead in there trespasses and God wants you to come into their life and you breath into them and they become alive again through the gospel. To unfreeze people, to restore this broken world. God uses you. Our example brings people back to what they know is right and what maybe they were taught which is the truth of Gods word. Theres a reason and purpose for the ways we do things because if we do what we think is best, there will be death and only Gods way leads to life. So were all in one of these categories, were the tree frozen, were unfreezing people, or were sitting on the bench not doing anything about it. Which are you? And are you helping this world that so desperately needs to tell them about the Hope they they can have? Choose who you are, and do something about it for Christ.
Are you this girl, unfreezing people?
or like I was dead asleep?
or just sitting there?

Choose and Do! Make a Difference For Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

" I cant get no satisfaction"


I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no satisfaction
And I try, and I try, and I try, and I try
I can't get no, I can't get no satisfaction  by: Britney Spears

For years I had done things with my talent that God has given me, all for the Praise of man. It was this feeling, this emotion, this addictive feeling that I craved after doing something and than hearing all the praise of man of how great I was. Now let me explain what I am talking about. This was anything from how funny I was in junior high, how skinny I could get so people would notice me, how great I played softball, how I wore unique clothes that no one would wear, how wild I wore my makeup, how wonderful I sang a song,how crazy and out there I would dance at pep rallys, even to making cakes for friends, writing letters in the mail, going out of my way to help someone, driving a hummer in high school, getting a huge senior ring, all these things I did, for one purpose, That purpose was not Christ centered and the purpose for all this is because inwardly I was lonely and outwardly I was screaming for attention and longing to be loved. I was using all this talent that God had given me, for Me! and only me! On the outside i might of seem like a great person but one thing that ppl could not see is the inside of my heart and how I felt after I would basically do anything, which was a feeling of great pride.  Only I could feel that huge vest of pride that I had built over the years. It was a great feeling and at those moments I felt a high that maybe not even a crack addict had. See, what I was doing was all wrong, I had made myself believe I was a good person and Im sure I fooled others as well, but at the end of the day i couldnt fool God. I couldnt escape that I needed him. See Jesus didnt let pride get to his head, in John 6:1-15, is the story of the feeding of 5 thousand and with only 5 small loaves of bread and two small fish, everyone was fed, and there were leftovers as well. The people saw this, and said " surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world. Jesus knew they wanted to make him king by force, so you know what he did?....He withdrew again to a mountain by himself. Meaning he got away from all the babble because he knew was he Christ, but he also knew that those people were wanting to crown him as king for what HE HAD DONE, and not just that they believed in him. So he had no part in that. So to explain what i mean by this is, for so many years I hadnt been withdrawing from the praise of man, but I had indulged in it, which lead to destruction and unfufillment in my life. Jesus is trying to teach us a lesson to be like him, which is not prideful and just taking time to get away and take it all in but in a humble manner. So that we dont get caught up in that ungodly mess. This is such a easy thing to do in life, whether we realize that were in that rally circle or not, so before getting stuck in that , run for the hills!!!! when you see Praise of man coming into your life, when you do something that people will praise you highly for,stay humble, because you can get stuck in this circle of trying to get praise of man and you forget the reason your able to do what you do, and that is your FAther, King of Kings! God Almighty!! Not because you practiced many hours or studied really hard but because God has given us all gifts, that we can not create on our own and he wants us to use these gifts for his glory and to add other people to his kingdom by what they see you do or see in you. They dont see you, but they see Christ living in you. Its amazing what God can teach you and help you overcome if you just stop doing it your way and do it his way and to learn his way is study and meditate on his word day and night so that he may open your eyes to the light that is right infront of you, but sometimes its so bright that is has blinded you, and you cant see God, all you see is whats best for you and how the world tells you to live and im telling you the worlds rule book will lead you on such a wide road and so many directions that you will become lost both spiritually and physically. It will lead to your death, you will be so dead that you will ask yourself where is life? I have tried so many things and nothing satisfies me, Exactly!! Because God can not provide life for you where it does not exist, but he will quench your thirst and he will satisfy your deepest desires in life, where nothing else can. God gives you water where you will thirst no more. You wont have to keep looking for new things, new places to go on the weekends, new car, new boyfriend/ gf, new club, but God will be your eternal resignation place, where you may rest. And I tell you all this because I have experience it, I was living for praise of man, I was full of pride, i was my own god. I worshipped myself of all the things I could do, but you know what??? It never satisfied me completely, I was always looking for ways to get Praise but someone or something always disappointed me they didnt thank me enough or I didnt feel like anybody notice If I had done something awesome. When you know where your heart is, is when you do things without anybody around, and its just you and God. thats where your true heart is. I would always ask myself there has got to be something more, and what that something more was, I needed God in my life fully. I needed to get that satisfaction that I had been desperately seeking to find but in all the wrong places but once I got into a place in my life, where I felt like I had nothing I cried out for God with a sincere heart and asked him to save me from this loneliness, that I had created myself. My very words in my journal were, I was empty. May I tell you that when God came into my life it was like a everlasting bottle of water ( my favorite drink) that never was empty, he filled my cup and I was satisfied and no longer thirst for this world, which is a cherry limeade, mountain dew, alcohol, energy drinks, the world allows you to suck on that straw and till there is no more and your trying to get that last sip of cherry limeade but you get to that lime and you cant suck it through your straw, and you have had enough, and your soul just wont let you go any farther, and thats when God uses a situation to draw you closer to him. When you have nothing left and this is just happened to me. And im here to tell you to throw that happy hour coke in the trash because it might sound like a good deal but it wont last in the long run, and it wont satisfy your deepest thirst and needs, which is a NEED of a Savior, to give you true life on this earth so that you may have eternal life. 

3 Lessons to Take From this

1) He must become greater, I must become less. John 3:30 Means whatever your holding onto,let go of and let Christ be incontrol and dont miss out on all God has provided for you already and that satisfaction you have always desired! Dont let Pride control you like it did me!

2)Dont waste your life! "Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears or a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14- you dont know when you last day will be on this earth, God is in-control of that, you might think you have control but he does, so accept him before it is too late. 

3)Choose Christ, drink out of Jesus well. Jesus tells us " Everyone who drinks this water  ( talking about the worlds water) will be thirsty again ( you'll keep looking for more) but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them as spring of water welling up to eternal life John 4:13-14

A take home- meditate on this verse:
" God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble"
James 4:6
And now check you heart, desires, and motives in life?
Are you submitting to God? Resisting the devil? Is he fleeing from you? James 4:7 

Or are you drowning in sorrow, and as Britney Spears says it:
Cant get no satisfaction 

life? something is Pure? Christ?
What the world throws at you many choices that will stuck the life out of you that are contaminated and arent pure. 
Which one will you choose and Do you know the difference between them?
 God lets you chose! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Be a Light-Brite

What do you do with the Lite Brite? 
What is a Lite Brite?
Lite-Brite allows the artist to create a "glowing" picture by placing multi-colored translucent plastic pegs through opaque black paper. The lightfrom an illuminated light bulb is blocked by the black paper except where the pegs conduct the light.

You might be wondering to yourself, what is this suspose to mean. See the Lite Brite is a symbol of what our lives as Christians should look like. When you play with a Lite brite, your not focused on the black piece of paper or (Darkness of life), your focused on how great you can build the design of small lights. Your focused is on the light and not darkness. See your lite brite will shine as long as you dont take the pegs out (remove the light) or pull the plug to it. This is exactly how we should live for Christ. We should never start taking out the pegs of the light we have in our lives, but we should grow more and more closer to God so that he may give us more light to shine to others so that they might see our faith and know that we are different than all the rest of people. Satan takes joy in when he takes a peg out of our lite brite, so we must be strong in our faith and never let him deceive us from falling short of what God wants us to do on this life on earth. See as Christians we must live a life of light and looking to God for all the answers and not darkness which is everything else but God. It is easy to tells ourselves well if I just have Jesus and a girlfriend/boyfriend, everything will be okay, and life will be great. See no, we are blinded from what the world tells us rather than what God tells us which is truth, and the only true answers you can receive for your life.. He tells us He is all we need. In Philippians 4:6 tells us " Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Go to God for your worries of the day, and not someone else that might not give you the full truth which is Gods word.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. all who follow his precepts have good understanding. to him belongs eternal praise. Psalm 111:10. Before we are Christians we are lost people in this world, trying to figure out what our purpose is and going to all these worldly things to fulfill our live instead of God. We dont realize that, that is all we need and we keep running to other things , but we always keep looking because they never satisfy our flesh. We are blinded by the world, and cant understand the light that God has given us. As soon as God relieves that light and shows us that we need him, and he moves into our hearts, our lives are changed. We are radically different people, and now all the sudden we are like a Lite Brite, before you ever put a peg in the black paper, you wonder what its going to look like but when you put the first peg in, it clicks and there is life, and you understand how the lite brite works. Just like when you become a believer, all the sudden , first you were lost in this world, and didnt know what to do, but no God is your light, and everything seems to click. God works in these ways just to show us how powerful he really is. So if your a true Christian/ Daily Christ Follower, are you continually to put more and more pegs in your Lite Brite? Meaning are you growing closer to God and become stronger in your faith which is the light that God gives us. or You still setting up the Board, and not yet started the pegs in your lite brite, and you have not yet seen the light yet? 

Friday, April 1, 2011

What is your MISSION STATEMENT in life?

 God wants my life to be a life of connecting (knitting) with others, and never giving up on what God wants for my life. 
You might ask yourself okay why a scarf? Am I only EXCITED with Gods mission for my life  when its comfortable for me or it seems to come easy, and everything is going good in life. We as Christians should be on a daily mission for Gods plan for us, whatever that might be. First, we must pray and seek God and find out what our mission in life is and than we must act on it and not just be pumped up about it. Than when time comes to do it, stick our big toe in the pool, and than back up because its not comfortable for us or it doesnt seem to be, for we will never know unless we dive in and do what God tells us to do. He tells us in colossians 2:2 I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. What God is saying here is that he wants our lives to be knitted together with other believers so that we will grow stronger in him and we can learn things we never have learned before from others. I have experience in my life over the past 5 months that my life is completely different now that I am knitted together with others that love the Lord, and seek him daily. It is great encouragement when you have a group that encourages you in a Godly aspect. When we first start out knitting together with others, we are not yet completed and it takes alot of time, just like a scarf does.  We can easily get unraveled like a scarf as well, but through your group of support and Gods word, we can easily get back on track and draw nearer and nearer to God as we continue to bond with him with others. By growing together and become knitted together , our lives are changed by this, and I have experience just this. A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back to back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12. Sometimes as Christians we think we can do everything on our own and we like to be independent but God reveals through his word that he desires us to be together and grow as a group in Him rather than being alone. I would encourage you to find a bible group or just a group of Godly friends that will encourage you and will be true friends that care, love, and pray for you daily, because their heart are sold out for Christ. So the next time you see someone struggling or in need of a friend, why dont you dive in the deep in for them and be a true friend to them, so they might grow even closer to God than they already are. You never know what people are going through, so maybe just a email or a short phone call might make that persons day. =]  and maybe the next time your down or in need of a friend, that same person or someone will do the same in return. I love how God works, and God reveals himself in mysterious ways that I never knew he could! So, lets not just go on mission trips every summer, but lets be on that mission everyday, Seeking God, Knitting with Others and most importantly NEVER GIVING UP! =]

Monday, March 21, 2011


Heres my life lately =]
 my design board after 30 hours of designing 11 different garments and designing every element! God is good!!
Made some upside down cupcake lollipops for my class! =] God is good all the time!
Of course this isnt me, but I have recently bought some new rollarskates and cant wait to try them out, as Im looking at this photo I realize that she doesnt even have skates on haha! O wow, I think Im tired and ready for spring break!

God is good all the time!!!! Life has been great lately, God has really been working in my life and teaching me new things everyday! Kinda how I looked at the picture the first time , and then the 2nd time I realize it was something different! Just how the word of God teaches me things, I read something once and than for a 2nd time and it clicks and God shows me amazing things! He is so amazing, Oh how I long to meet him and see just how great he is!!! I am going on a mission trip this summer to maine to help with kids and im super excited, Please Pray for our trip and that God will be revealed to many that dont know him and dont have that abundant life that us christians have! Oh, I cant wait to give many kids high fives and show them what God loves me and what God I life for, which is the only God! Well, I havent wrote in a while but Ill leave with this statement : CHANGE YOUR MIND,....HES GOT YOU =]

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is it okay to doubt???

Got to go to the cowboy stadium and do zumba!!!
Who would of ever thought?
Well this week was filled with joy and happiness. I cant not explain the joy and peace God has given me this week! Therefore of course I cant have a perfect week but I came pretty close. I got to see my sister for a short bit,spend many hours sewing with friends, and also hanging out with Jared! =] My preacher preached on doubting today, and this really hit home to me because, If Im honest with you, I will tell you sometimes I have doubts about God, and his word. I worry about well is God gonna let this happen, or that cant be possibly true what I just read in the bible!Yes, its true, but we as believers all do this. If we didnt we wouldnt have any growth in our walk with God, and we would know all answers, but since thats not possible, everyone DOUBTS God and his word at times, and we need to know that it is okay, only if we go the path of living for God, and not just giving up! In Mark 9:24, a man whos son was possessed by demons cried out, "I do believe , but help me overcome my unbelief! And this is a good verse we should remember in time of doubt, so we can cry out to God with this verse, but actually meaning it with all our heart. God likes when we never give up on him, even if something doesnt go our way. This is something I have to keep in mind, so I never lose sight of Gods path. Having faith is the most important thing in our daily walk with God.So, the next time you go to doubt something, think twice, and dont just get in a habit of saying well I doubt that, because anything is possible with God, he tells us this.

Monday, February 28, 2011

What Well Are You Drinking Out Of?

My lil Happys Lately 
Got to go home to Louisiana, and spend time with my mom and make something for a friend whos dad passed away.
So excited to wear my shorts I made in class. Hooray for spring!
Started a new bible study in Isaiah and made bookmarks for my class. =]
Oh, how I love to make things for people and give all the glory to God. He gives me a lot of patience and kindness throughout the process of my projects! God is good, all the time =]

So my preacher made a great point yesterday at church. He said it is great that BlueBell 
so many different  flavors because then we can have so many different choices. Sometimes it is hard to decide on a flavor and when we choose one and try it for the first time we might love it and think it’s the most amazing thing ever, but after a few times of eating it, its not so great.  And we go back to the store because we are hungry for a different flavor . This is just like world today. So many people are hungry for something in life besides just food but like comfort,  or love that they feel is missing out of their life. So they turn to drugs, alcohol relationships, sex, porn, music, or exercising, and there are many more things people turn to in this world today.

They feel like these things are going to fulfill their life and make them happy. Although, these things might make them happy at first they are only temporary in life and will not fulfill their eternal life. I will admit I have been there and done things not of God, and its addicting but never made me happy, and one day God showed me what  I was doing wrong and how to live a life through Christ and not of my own will, and now I see things so differently, it was like God took that veil off across my face and showed me truth, which is through him and his word. But like I was saying people  will keep going back for more or try new things, and nothing seems to make them happy in the end. In John 4:13-14  God says “ Anyone who drinks this water will soon become  thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give, will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh,bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.  And this is so true, yet very sad because its such a easy concept that many people in this world today can not grasp or do not care to take part in Gods will. I believe this with all heart, that if people of today would stop being selfish and believe in Gods word, our world would be such a happier place! So, my question today is WHAT WELL ARE YOU DRINKING OUT OF? ARE YOU DRINKING OUT OF GODS WELL? OR YOUR OWN OR THE WORLDS?

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Happy Day =]

So, I just recently started a bible study at Watermark! Its going to be awesome! We are studying the book called Be Comforted, by Warren W. Wiersbe. Its about the book Isaiah, and it is going to be about Isaiah and so far in the first chapter it is about his teachings and how he tried to turn some kings towards God, but some did not listen! I was so thrilled when I left the bible study, that I called my parents to tell them all about it and I lefted my bible at church! So, this morning I had to get out my old children's bible, and I was so worried I had lost my precious bible. Its like a part of me, so when I had thought I had lost it, it made me very upset! Of course, I went to church, and there it was, right where I lefted it! God is good!!! So, today has been awesome! And this is a video of my favorite songs ever and this is the song I wanted to start dancing to when I found my bible today!!!!!! Not going to lie, I did a leap when I walked outside! =] Well I love you guys and I cant wait to share what is going on in my life through this bible study! Happy Friday Yall!!! =]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Feel free to let loose while listening to the video, I know I do!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Who is Your American "Idol"???

Who are they, and What do they symbolize? 
What is their purpose?
Is this what our expectations should be in life?
To become famous?
Be the best looking?
And then our lives will be happy and perfect?
Personally I have found, that this is what most people desire. Becoming rich, famous, and being the hottest chick/guy in town. Although these people above, are very successful, and some are good role models , these type of people should not become our idols. Most of the world today strives on all these things, that are worldly things, and they have lost the whole picture of life. Its hard not to step into the worldly things, but it seems as though it surrounds us. I know at times, I want to have a lot of money, because sometimes the world tells us that you will be happy if your rich, but I find it very ironic, that must rich people are not happy, and they can never have enough. It says in James 5:1-3, Look, here you rich people:weep and groan with anguish because of all the terrible troubles ahead of you. Your wealth is rotting away and your fine clothes are moth eaten rags. Your gold and silver have become worthless. The very wealth you were counting on will eat away your flesh like fire. This treasure you have accumulated will stand as evidence against you on the day of judgement. These verses are so very powerful, and tell us that things on this earth are no good, and if your idol in life is being wealthy and having the most expensive thing, than it might seem as though on earth, that your life is great, and your powerful, but when your time comes to meet the Lord, that power will be wiped away, and you will than realize that all wealth and expensives you cumulated on earth, were pointless and had no meaning in life.

One thing, was missing, and that was God. 
If only I could explain this to the whole world and they would understand, This world would than be a mighty and powerful place, that made the Lord happy, but there will always be unbelievers, but we as Christian, have to live throughout example and our actions will shine through to the people who are lost, in this worldly world, where things that are accepted now, go against all measures of the word of God.

Most people are followers, for example following trends, listening to peoples advice, or doing what one is told to do or believe.
My mission is to be a leader, that is to follow God, but lead others the right down the path and not the wrong way.

which path will you choose?
Narrow Path to Heaven?
Or the Highway like the World 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011



                                                   YOU MIGHT THINK YOU DO...

Do you rather drive your car than ride with a friend? Do you find yourself telling people what to do? Do you have to have it your way or the highway? Well, we all struggle with these common things, and sometimes don't even realize it, that were actually being a control freak! I know I personally struggle with these issues, because sometimes I have more trust in myself than others, so its more of a trust issue than anything. Because we know ourselves more than anyone else , although we might think we know people but in reality we dont really know that person like they know themselfs, or like God does. Often people become controlling because they want that power in their life that they feel they dont have, such is at work, a relationship, or anything in life. There is something missing, and controlling is a way to fulfill that need. In Jeremiah 17:5-7 it says, those whom have mere humans incontrol of life are cursed, and those whom have put God incontrol are blessed, and have hope and confidence in the Lord. This hits home to me, because I have always been a scared like person, one of my deepest darkest secrets is I have always looked under my bed before I go to sleep, or slept with the light on when I went to sleep. These things are so silly and childish, but they are evidence of my lack in trust in God, just recently I have put my full trust in the Lord, and given him full control, and I dont even really think of doing these things anymore. That fear is now gone, and my thoughts are filled with other things, such as things I come across throughout the day and also people I associate with on a daily basis. I like to observe people and their actions, because you can learn alot by just a persons body language. While, sitting at a local cafe, I often enjoy my food, while ease dropping on what they are talking about or figure out what they are focused on. Most are usually on their phones, computers, or trying to keep their kids undercontrol. Little do they know, they are taking part in some type of control, whether it be choosing who they are talking to on the phone, to what website they are on, and how to control their kids. What people dont know is a lot of our lives is all about control, and we think we have control of our whole life. Wrong, we have no control of this life on earth, and this is on issue, I would like to share to the world. Their would be a lot less worry, heartache, and fear in this world. If only people knew they dont really have control over their life. You can for sure try, but their will always be things that get in the way, that will make your life go in another direction whether your a Christian or not. So, why not put God in control of the driver seat and you be his passenger and follower. Maybe I should work for the company L.G. ( Life is Good) but just change their slogan to Life is Good with God =] So, my question for you is, do you think your the driver or is God the captain ? Aka Ruler, driver, of your life? 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Disconnect to Reconnect

Hello people of this world! This is my first blog ever, and I am thrilled to share with you what is going on in my life, and how God is working in my life. Well, I recently was driving down the road and as I was noticing, everyone passing me by, everyone that did, was either on a cell phone or texting. It suddenly hit me that , there is no need for texting, yes our world might make it seem as though we need it, but what did we do when we didn't have cell phones? My point exactly, we are losing communication with others, and wasting time with texting, and the addiction it can cause. Although, it is fun, I find it a huge time waster, and a horrible way to improve your english writing abilities! So, I have set a goal for myself, to completely get rid of texting off of my phone. Today, is the first full day of not having it, and its a huge relief, and I have gotten to spend more time reading , and doing other things that matter in life. God is showing me whats most important in life, and texting is not one of them! So, if your a goal setter, why dont you set a goal to just get rid of texting, and I promise you will see a difference in your life, and yes you can live without it! I am! =]]]]] I will be posting, more about this issue and other daily activities I do throughout my week! Well Im out! Feel free to comment!