Wednesday, November 2, 2011

She ate of the apple....What will you choose?

We just had Halloween where everyone dresses up and its all for the fun and candy right? Well, a lot of girls dress up as a princess. What little girl doesnt want to be a princess right? and the little boys are heros, someone or some character they look up to, and in their simple mind thats what they kinda want to be like when they grow up. We are taught at such a young age what our lives should look like and how the big screen shows it should go. In snow white their is a queen that is evil, and jealous of snow white and wants to kill her. Snow white goes into the woods and begins to live with the dwarfs. The witched queen finds where she is living and appears at her front door as someone else and convinces her to eat of this apple, that is so beautiful. The witched queen eats of it herself, but doesnt eat of the part of the apple that is poisonous. So than, Snow white takes a bite a falls into a deep sleep.

 Freeze, take a moment to realize just what happen. Isn't this what happens in our lives? Isn't the devil just waiting at your door to devour you, but you cant even open the door, you have to know that hes only going to lead you into death. In a way, seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death. dont believe his lies! He is the Father of Lies!!!! What is the 1st question ever asked in Gods word? Is it: Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden? Even though snow white probably knew that this person at her door, was not a honest person, she became convinced and lost site of all she had and believed the lie of the devil, which lead to death. So in Genesis 3:4, the serpent goes on to tell the woman, You will not certainly die. Again trying to convince her that it was okay to eat of the tree in the middle of the garden, and that she wouldnt really truly die. What this looks like in our life today is that the devil will come in our lives in descise and will cheapen everything that has  influent value. What he does is take that what is cheap and sells it as extreme pleasure, beautiful,fun , just what you need, time of your life. But in reality he switches price tags and he convinces us that the cheap way is a better deal, a better way to live. 

He says dont pursue discipline, he will whisper in your ear, your being too uptight, loosen up, have fun and pursue freedom. Have you ever thought why there are rules? Is it because God is a ruler maker? Hes ready to correct you and make you suffer your consequences? No! We have rules, because God is a loving God, and a Father to all his children and he wants you to live and not die. He wants you to understand that he doesn't just say, no sex before marriage because hes trying to take away your fun, but he says this because he loves you more than you will ever know and he know the best for you, and he doesnt want you to have have to go through just a taste of the pain his son did on the cross. He designed everything so perfectly and when we dont follow his way, it always leads to heart ache. So im here to tell you dont get sucked into Satan's lies. Dont indulge in what the world tells you where life is at. Take a look at our world. It is filled with joy or sadness, broken homes, and lonely people? Our world is broken, the U.S. is in debt, the divorce rate is high, and many people are looking for life an cant seem to find it. The reason for this: there listening to the world, and believing satan first question in the bible. We as a country have lost sight in what our forefathers started this country as, and they started on solid rock. Which is a rock that is Jesus Christ Our Savior of this world. That is why our money says," In God We Trust."

 Do we live that out? Is that just a saying that we have forgotten what the true meaning is. I wonder what God thinks when he looks down on this broken world? He is the ultimate example of a patient Father, because hes still waiting , waiting to see if His Children are going to make a difference? Are we asleep? Have we taken a bite of what satan offers, and it has lead to brokenness? God is waiting for us to be reconciled to Him. Its not to late. For so many years I was dead asleep. Literally I found out I had narcolepsy, but in reality, it was a walking reality. I was asleep and I had lost sight of God, who he was and what he mad me for. I believed the lies satan told me and I ate that apple and it only tasted good for so long but than it just lead me to be hungry again. I fell into lust and wanting someone to love me. What I didnt realize is I already had Someone Perfect that loved me. I was trying to find life in all the places God can not provide life. How amazing it is to know that I dont have to do anything, to earn his love, he already does. I am satisfied and if you not that I can tell you theres a way to become satisfied. That is through Jesus Christ, that will fill you with joy and give you a peace that no one else can offer. 
So what are we going to do about ourselves and this broken world?If you are a Christian , What are you going to do to further his kingdom? As kids at P.E. time in elementary we played freeze tag or trees. You would run and the person would tag you, you had to freeze and become frozen. If a friend went under your legs, than you would become unfrozen and alive again, full of energy and purpose to get to the other  side of the gym without being tagged. In this world people are literally dead in there trespasses and God wants you to come into their life and you breath into them and they become alive again through the gospel. To unfreeze people, to restore this broken world. God uses you. Our example brings people back to what they know is right and what maybe they were taught which is the truth of Gods word. Theres a reason and purpose for the ways we do things because if we do what we think is best, there will be death and only Gods way leads to life. So were all in one of these categories, were the tree frozen, were unfreezing people, or were sitting on the bench not doing anything about it. Which are you? And are you helping this world that so desperately needs to tell them about the Hope they they can have? Choose who you are, and do something about it for Christ.
Are you this girl, unfreezing people?
or like I was dead asleep?
or just sitting there?

Choose and Do! Make a Difference For Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!

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